Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Smoke, Smoke, Smoke that cigarette.

I like the song, but I no longer like the subject.

After about a year and a half of smoking relatively frequently, I have quit smoking.

Pause for the cheers.

Yeah, all of that up there? I'm done.

I first started smoking during pledgeship when I was frequently asked for cigarettes. One of the few breaks I got was during the times when brothers were nice enough to invite me to smoke with them. Over time, I smoked them on off times with my pledgebrothers to relax. Eventually, it caught up with me as I began to carry more to make up for the ones I would smoke or lend out to people.

It crippled my bank, but it sure as hell won't cripple my health.

My mom is happy, my girlfriend is happy, my lungs are happy, and I am happy.

It's nice to be done with it, Tex Williams lied to me. It definitely doesn't make you 25% cooler. 

But I'd do anything for a cigarette right now.

... just kidding.

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