Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Advertising Major

I was in my frat's library the other day, studying for one of my midterms when one of my buddies asked me what I was studying. "Just studying for my two advertising midterms."

He looked at me like I said I was prepping for Doodling 101. He was a Biology major. Some premed kid who is up on his own stuff just because he feels like his major is harder. Is Organic Chemistry more challenging than some advertising classes? Absolutely.

 ... what the hell is that?

This is what really grinds my gears though: Some of these premed people, and even the Cox kids, act like advertising doesn't do anything, doesn't mean anything, and sure as hell won't change anything.

You want to talk economics Mr. Cox? What funds the entirety of our democratic media platforms?

You want to talk change Miss Chem? Advertising is going to get you the funding and support you need to develop a cure for X disease. And then its going to sell the shit out of it.

Advertising is important too, and it has come a long way since its roots. It's a 500 billion dollar industry and is continuing to grow. Don't tell me what I'm doing has no merit.

Is it cold up there, Chem Majors? Can you give me the degrees in Kelvin?

The Chemistry Pedestal

I'm in Advertising because I wanted to be. I came to SMU thinking about Temerlin. I'm going to do the best I can, just as all the science people will. But don't belittle my major and career just because you can't remember the mole conversion rate. 

Yeah, I took some Chemistry in high school.

I hated it.

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